It's the stigma that goes with work like that, that I didn't much care for. America used to respect any working stiff, now it's gone back to a 'class' structure... wear something less than fashionable, and people think you're beneath them somehow :\
Getting better now that winter's done, but I've had to go on a Claritin knock-off to keep my ears from ringing... rotten sinuses. Almost 3 years and 3 ENT's, and the 4th guy (I paid for out of pocket) tells me my ear drum got split open in the car accident, great.
Funny to read this on April Fool's day... but I've been a janitor and custodian. It's a job, like any other, the difference is, do you make a difference? Are your efforts going to benefit people you care about, or just the unseen blank slates, who parade around while you're not there....? Haven't been sleeping well lately, hope you're doing well!
Slug-Salt (Updated )
Hey VicariousE,
I too have been a janitor, it's the closest thing a person can do that will make you feel like a ghost. I don't care for strangers as it is so I was even more wraith like. But all in all it payed well and got me though a hard time. Hope you're sleeping better dude!